Knowledge Base

Not found what you are looking for in websites main navigation, then use the search bar below or topic filter to find loads of helpful information relating to East Durham College and college life and support.

Industry & Work Experience Placements

Industrial placements and work experience are designed to help bridge the gap between education and the world of work. They can help inform your career choices and greatly enhance your CV and job prospects.

Trips & Visits

We strongly believe that practical experience is crucial in enhancing your knowledge and education. That's why we offer an extensive range of residential trips and day visits with the majority of our study programmes, to provide you with the right opportunity to learn in practice.

Visiting Speakers

East Durham College has a longstanding tradition of regularly welcoming visiting expert speakers, from across the region, to its campuses. These speakers bring a wealth of diverse experiences, insights, and opinions, which enrich our courses and activities and stimulate discussion and debate among students - and staff.

Keep Fit

We offer recreational sports and fitness as part of our enrichment programme, to give you a chance to try out different sports and activities and help you maintain and improve your wellbeing.

A quick guide to Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs)

Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) are new and existing level 4 and 5 qualifications approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. They are a great way to get the skills employers want - a route to well-paid, secure and sustainable jobs.

Help With Childcare Costs for Students Aged 20+

Available to eligible students with a household income of £50,000 or less, who are aged 20+ and funded from the Adult Education Budget from the ESFA/Local Authority or the Advanced Learner Loan.

EDC Students' Union Elections

All students at East Durham College are automatically members of the Students’ Union and have the opportunity to apply to stand as the next EDC Students' Union President and Vice President.

Student Attendance

Attendance for all students is monitored on a daily basis. If you are sick or have an emergency and can’t get into College then you (or someone on your behalf) must contact your Progression Coach by telephone before 9.30am.

Financial Support for Students (Overview)

Regardless of your ambition, finances should not be a barrier. Depending on your age, circumstances, and household income, we have various financial support options available to help you while you're studying with us.

Student Benefits Package (16-18)

We want to make coming to college as affordable as possible for you. Click here for more information on how we support our students aged 16-18.