Please note, this form is only for the individual to request access to their own data. If you are acting on behalf of a person and wish to access their data, you will need to fill in a separate form.
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2016 provides you, the data subject, with a right to receive a copy of the data/information we hold about you or to authorise someone to act on your behalf. Please complete this form if you wish to see your data.
You will also need to provide proof of your identity. Your request will be processed within 20 working days upon receipt of a fully completed form and proof of identity. Proof of identity: We require proof of your identity before we can disclose personal data. Proof of your identity should include a copy of one document such as your birth certificate, passport, driving licence, official letter addressed to you at your address e.g., bank statement, recent utilities bill or council tax bill. Our Data Protection Officer will contact you after receipt of the form below to confirm this.
The documents should include your name, date of birth and current address. If you have changed your name, please supply relevant documents evidencing the change.
Administration fee: The College’s policy is not to charge for Subject Access Requests